My photographs explore the transition between the figurative and the abstract while honing in on the minutiae and often unexpected beauty of my everyday surroundings. I am interested in how humans interact with their environment and the materials and traces their activities leave behind.
For me taking photographs is not a mere matter of recording what I see, but a continuous search for that unique, almost spiritual experience when all the elements, regardless of how incongruous they may be, flow into a seemingly unifying (and memorable) whole.   
The creative process of my combines is intuitive and involves the exclusive use of my own photographs and graphics. This provides me with a sense of intimacy and integrity that I appreciate as meaningful.

till today / artist / photography / mixed media
1991-2023 / owner / sarge gestaltung & realisation gmbh / design for various international companies /
1987-1991 / creative director / agfa bonn, germany
1987 / diploma / design, visual communication
1986-1987 / academic tutor / 'international school of design cologne' 
1981-1987 / studies art and visual communication / 'international school of design cologne' / prof. hans buschfeld 
1978-1980 / studies photography / darkroom technic / painting / fos cologne / isolde luckert, pablo karge 

awards / exhibitions
2025 / kunst hier / galerie rosemarie bassi remagen / 02.02.25 – 28.02.25
2022 / royal academy of arts london / summer exhibition / flood_ahrweiler
2019 / winner / gallery ph21 intern. competition / project „kohle“ / solo exhibition budapest
2017 / honorable mention / gallery ph21 intern. competition / „punctum“ / budapest
2017 / winner / gallery ph21 intern. competition / „mono“ / group exhibition budapest
2001 / first price / marketing service frankfurt / modular display design for sony cameras & vaio 
1986 / first price / photography & graphic design / 22. adolf grimme award, marl germany
1982 / exhibition 'blue & yellow' series / 'international school of design cologne'
1980 / winner / photo competition „cologne“ / exhibition stadtsparkasse köln

SWR Landesschau / TV Beitrag 08.2022

SWR Landesart / TV Portrait 10.2022

Rhein-Zeitung / Interview 09.2022 'Für mich ist es auch ein persönlicher Trost'

Rhein-Zeitung / 08.2022   'Stillleben danach: Flutbilder für die Ewigkeit'

FLIP London Independant Photography / 2016  (photobook 'Linger') 

artworks and website copyright © juergen sarge 2023, all rights reserved